Monday, February 8, 2016

The Boxtrolls Review

I'm finally ready for another. This one going to be on the 2014 stop motion film from Laika 'The Boxtrolls' directed by Anthony Stacchi, and Graham Annabelle, and based on 'Here Come The Monsters' by Alen Snow.
It's a Stop Motion animated film, and I have to say it is really nice to see some stop motion films each year, with how much computer animation is in theaters these days. Stop Motion is such incredible form of filmmaking that takes extreme effort and allot of time! It's also rated PG, like most animated films these days, but there was really one joke that I think earned it the PG rating, that and one of the characters is pretty scary looking. M
So the film takes place in a town called Cheesebridge, in the late 1800s I believe. These trolls known as the Boxtrolls are hated by the town and they out underground.
They take in a human boy named Eggs and they raise him. He grows older thinking he is a Boxtroll, not knowing he's a boy.
Eggs meets a human girl, who he befriends named Winnie, voiced by Elle Fanning. I really like her character. I mean, she can be a brat, but can also be kind and intelligent. I enjoy her friendship with Eggs in the film and how she helps him realize he's not a boxtroll.
The film's plot in ways is similar to Tarzan, they even have a scene where Winnie puts her hand to Eggs, which is indeed a reference to Tarzan.
I really enjoy the part of the film where Eggs and Winnie go to the ball so Eggs can inform the town the truth about the boxtrolls. There's a really nice joke where Eggs scratches his crotch and Winnie tells him, "Don't do that in public. That's why they're called, privates."
I also think the scene of Eggs and Winnie dancing is really adorable.
I really love how touching the relationship between Eggs and The Boxtrolls, especially when they save during the end climax, and in the scene where Eggs is locked in a cage by the Snather and and he thinks The Boxtrolls were crushed to death, it's a really touching scene and you really feel connected to Eggs.
The end scene where the Boxtrolls save Eggs is a pretty good climax. I think it could have been just a bit longer.
It would have also been a little better if we got a few more minutes with the main characters before the end. It feels the film closes off a bit unexpected. I was still very happy with the ending.
The animation is extremely high quality, especially since there's allot of action scenes. It's hard to believe at times it's all stop motion, because some parts look like they had to have used a bit of CGI.
after the movie is over we go into a really nice montage during the credits with traditional animation.
There's even more after that! The crew of the film threw in a small Easter egg that shows one of animators animating a small part of the film. It is fantastic and it really makes you appreciate Stop Motion because it's just incredible how much hard work and effort goes into it, much more then Computer Animated films.
I also love the music in this film's soundtrack. Composed by Dario Marianelli.
There's not too much I can say I dislike about the movie. The Snacher could have been more interesting as a villain and I don't find him that threatening.
I think I would have enjoyed The Boxtrolls better if they were given dialog. It's not a bad thing though. I had trouble telling them apart though, like the Minions from "Despicable Me"
The Boxtrolls is fun and really creative movie that I think deserves a bit more appreciation. It's touching and has beautiful animation and a really good soundtrack, probably the best soundtrack I've heard for a Stop Motion movie. I'm really glad this film earned an academy nomination for Best Animated Feature, though I know some people are angry it got nominated over "The Lego Movie" I haven't seen that yet, but I'm gonna check that film out soon!
This is a really good movie. I definitely would put it on my favorite list. How don't know how much of a faithful adaptation this movie is to the novel it's based on as I haven't read it, but I still love this movie! I heavily recommend it, especially to those who want a break from all the CGI Features and want to see some fun and stunning stop motion. I have nothing against computer animation! There's some CGI animated films I absolutely love, but I really hope we see some 2D animation on the silver screen again in the future.

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